Qrolli Rebranding to OpenSocial: A New Chapter Unfolds

3 min readMay 27, 2024


As many have seen, our liquidity hasn’t been extended like other times and now has just 7 days remaining until it unlocks. This represents 46% of our total locked liquidity. You can track the liquidity lock here: Liquidity Lock.

Meanwhile, 54% of our liquidity has been auto-burned from our 1% tax. To facilitate Qrolli’s rebranding to OpenSocial and transition to the Base chain with a new contract deployment, users need to send their $QR tokens to the deployer wallet. This is necessary because we cannot perform a simple snapshot and move on due to the burned liquidity.

Key Steps for Users:

1. Send $QR Tokens:

  • Deployer Address: 0x81e928B637f7aE73f82E00e453bB7E97b6ACfe21
  • Send your tokens to the deployer wallet as soon as possible to aid in the rebranding process.

2. Snapshot and Liquidity Unlock:

  • After 7 days, a snapshot will be taken.
  • Liquidity will be unlocked and sold on the open market to drain the burned liquidity.

3. Token Redistribution:

  • The tokens sent to the deployer will be redistributed at a 1:1 ratio.
  • Post rebranding, users will receive their new tokens automatically.

Important Note: Users who haven’t seen this message and fail to send their tokens before the 7-day period will still be eligible to receive their tokens post-rebranding if they were bought before the snapshot. Tokens bought after the snapshot and liquidity sell-off will not be eligible as prices will be low and liquidity very limited.

Key Dates and Timeline:

  • Liquidity Unlock Date: June 3rd, 2024
  • Snapshot Date: Right Before Liqudity sell-off.
  • New Contract Deployment: Immediately after liquidity unlock

Benefits of Rebranding:

  • Enhanced Features: Experience new functionalities and improvements with OpenSocial.
  • Better Scalability: Transitioning to the Base chain ensures better performance.
  • Improved User Experience: A refreshed interface and new features enhance user engagement.
  • Better Contract: The new contract includes a new tax structure which will help and benefit in the long term.

Security and Trust:

We assure users of the safety and security measures in place during this transition. Your funds will be handled securely throughout the process.

Community Engagement:

  • Follow Us: Stay updated by following our new social media handles and contact details.
  • Get Involved: Participate in the community discussions and stay engaged with OpenSocial/Qrolli.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  • Why is this transition necessary? This transition ensures better performance, new features, and an improved user experience.
  • How can I send my tokens? Follow the steps provided above to send your $QR tokens to the deployer wallet.
  • What happens if I miss the 7-day window? Users who miss the initial window can still receive their tokens post-rebranding if they bought before the snapshot.

Vision and Mission:

OpenSocial aims to create a decentralized, user-owned social network, empowering users to control their digital identity and content.


Send your $QR tokens now to aid in the transition and stay engaged with the community.

For more details and updates, follow us on X Platform.

